I was trying out some new material. I need it for my gig on Friday as some of my longer set is a bit thin and, as I will be getting paid for the first time, I want it to go well.
Sam Brady Stand-up Comedian
Stuff that happened. Thoughts that occurred.
I got my first paid gig today!
This is a milestone for any new comedian. After I put the phone down from speaking to the agent, I could barely contain my excitement and wanted to dash screaming around the office, slapping people round the face. I was so excited that I couldn't concentrate on BS1192 Collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information – Code of practice which, just moments before, had seemed so thrilling.
OK so any seasoned, cynical performers might think I'm making a lot of fuss about nothing. But after 20 years of "working in IT", it's a really big deal for me to be paid to do something I love.
The gig is for Agraman the Human Anagram who is a well-known figure in comedy. I was fairly cool with him on the phone, mainly because I was slightly in shock.
I won't be paid a vast amount. I'm not going to be able to retire on the proceeds. But it's not bad for 15 minutes work.
OK. I'll calm down I promise.
But before I do, let me just say this...AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!
Sam Brady Stand-up Comedian