This might not seem particularly significant. But hang on- I'll explain.
I had a bit of a crazy day.
I had to zip off down to London early in the morning as part of my day job. I spent a morning and an afternoon down there in a conference centre, facilitating a workshop. Then, I dashed off straight from there and jumped on a train to Manchester, getting there just in time to do my gig.
The upshot of all this was that a) I was in a slightly crazed and manic mood and b) I was still wearing a suit.
And, oddly, it felt good. I felt kind of...well...professional.
People like Bob Hope, Steve Martin (and...erm...Jimmy Tarbuck) reckon that wearing a suit on stage is a must. I've always thought that was old fashioned. I associate suits with meetings and offices and being bored out of my skull. But now I'm wondering if they are right. I think I actually felt more confident. How weird is that?
Ironically, I've spent quite a bit of time wondering about my image and what to wear on stage. Lately, I've taken to wearing a fancy black shirt and some red Buddhist Mala beads. Hmmm.

Anyway I've just been sent these photos of me having fun in a suit. And I likes it. So I thought I'd share it.
What do you reckon?
By the way, the photo on the right is the clap-off that I didn't win.
Sam x
Sam Brady Stand-up Comedian
What do you call a Buddhist in a suit? Bloody gorgeous! I think the suit looks really suave. Mrs Brady
And I agree. Definitely better than the Wal-mart t-shirt, says Mrs Brady's sister. Well done for beating the frog my dear.
Jo x
Yes, I agree with Mrs B - you've always looked better properly dressed.
Wear what you like - literally...
P.S. ...and if you have any sense you'll like what Ma B likes.
P.P.S. ...so you probably won't then.
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