You should have been in Buxton. No, really. We had a whale of a time. It was a smashing gig at the Old Club House to a sell out crowd who were really up for it.
It was also my first paid gig which seemed like a big thrill beforehand - although it's amazing how quickly the novelty wears off and your mind moves on to the next milestone. Since landing that first paid gig, I've been booked to do several more. How wonderful to be paid just to go around the country acting the bloody fool!
I actually got a bit carried away and tried out some brand new material but fortunately it went down a treat. So that would have been fine. But then I pushed my luck a bit too far and embarked on a series of long meandering, directionless exchanges with the audience which apparently made for some very nervous and uncomfortable moments for the promoter who was standing at the back of the room.
It's not that I shouldn't chat with the audience - but it helps to have some idea of where the conversation is going before you start it. At times I had no idea what was going to happen next. I got away with it. Just.
The headliner, Jamie Sutherland gave me some constructive feedback on how to do it better in future. Then he went on stage and put his own advice into practice. By the end of his set, there was hardly an audience member he hadn't spoken to (or insulted), yet he was in control the whole time. His act went down a storm.
I'm learning a hell of a lot at the moment and my confidence is sky high. Roll on Sunday night - 8pm in Nottingham, then 9pm in Newark.
Finally - it was a really nice surprise to see my old friends Tim and Dawn in the audience, too. It's always good to have friends there to share the fun with. So come along some time.
love Sam
Sam Brady Stand-up Comedian
1 comment:
Hello - very glad to hear all went so well! And that you've got more bookings. Enjoy! (ps you owe me a phone call..x)
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