Thursday, 2 October 2008

Rehearsing My Set for the Comedy Store

Spent my lunch break today prancing round the kitchen, mic in hand, delivering my set to the cooker and the fridge. The response was mixed: they didn't laugh, but then again they didn't heckle. (Although I thought I caught them exchanging wry glances once or twice.)

Basically I have a Plan A, a Plan B and a Plan C for Sunday at the Comedy Store...

Plan A: Do the same set I did at the Frog and Bucket but with a few tweaks and a few new gags. Topics on which I plan to hold forth: Life behind bars; Computers that can apologise; Breast englargement (and the dangers therein); Marital strife.

Plan B: If the crowd get too rowdy, my (somewhat ambitious) plan is to turn the hecklers against each other using some clever Derren Brown-like psychological trickery.

Plan C: Put it down to experience.

Whatever happens I can scarcely contain my excitement. I'm cockahoop.


Sallycat said...

Hey, SO glad you have started this blog. Now I can keep an eye on you from South America where the language barrier still precludes me from the slightest chance of understanding an Argentine stand up comedian.

I am very excited by your bid to go for your dream. We are among those who are not afraid to follow our hearts.

Enjoy the journey! Hug, SC

Anonymous said...

Go get em! Thanks for starting the blog - it's a great way to keep tabs on you, and see a star in the making. I always told you you were going to be rich and famous.........

Guy Beauchamp said...

You say in this blog Sunday 4th October - do you mean Saturday 4th or Sunday 5th? I hope it's Sunday cos then I can be there...

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant Sunday 5th October.

I was going to discourage people I know from coming to these early gong shows, go on then.

Thanks very much for your support, mate.

I am allowed one free guest so if you want to come let me know and we can go in together.