Saturday, 18 October 2008


I really appreciate the support I am getting for this blog and so I'm going to thank some people. If you don't like gushy speeches, stop reading now.

Thanks to Guy for his consistently useful feedback. And thanks to Mary for coming to the Comedy Store.

Thanks to my future mother-in-law, Judy, for her love and for the newspaper supplement on How To Write Comedy which was really good.

Thanks to Sally for her long-distance enthusiasm from Argentina.

Thanks to my mate Tony for listening to my half-baked comic ideas all weekend.

And thanks to Jane for her ever-patient, ever-honest, ever-supportive response to my prancing about the house doing funny voices and asking, "Is this funny?"

And thanks to my daughter Lottie for telling me in no uncertain terms when something isn't funny.

And thanks to my Mum and Dad whose blind faith in my ability to do just about anything seems to be inexhaustible contrary to all the evidence.


Guy Beauchamp said...

NOW you're being funny!

Anonymous said...

Your parents don't have blind faith, Sam. They have a lot of counselling.....