Friday, 14 November 2008

Pregnant Man! It's a Miracle!

There are some interesting stories in the news at the moment.

I was amazed to see that Thomas Beatie, the US "pregnant man" who gave birth to a daughter in June, is expecting his second child.
This is a bloke who had a baby! It's a miracle! 
I mean, ok, he did used to be a woman. 
But he had a sex-change operation and now he's legally a man.  
And, ok, this sex-change - he had his breasts removed, but he did keep just a few female bits. Like a womb. And ovaries. And a vagina. 
Wait a minute...that's a woman, isn't it? 
So basically the story is this: a woman with no breasts dressed as a man had a baby. 
It's a miracle!
Sam Brady Stand-up Comedian

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