The best (in fact only) way to develop material is to perform it for an audience. That's why stage time is so crucial. But you can only cram in so much stage time - especially if you have a day job.
So how would you feel if I presented some of my blog posts by video rather than text? Or what if I performed some stuff in development to camera and posted it? Or what other ideas should I use to help you to help me to become a comedy legend? Your ideas would be very welcome.
Yesterday, Stuart Morrison, who runs The Gag Factory comedy club in Guilford, started Gag Factory TV - an online channel for comedians, comedy promoters and comedy fans. He is thinking along the same lines as me and is trying to come up with ways for new comedians to interact with the world. Check out his first video here.
Go for it I say, just do it, you'll find your audience, you'll get your groove, just be authentic, real and honest. Personal Brand is the key to it and when people buy into it they are saying "I not only believe the product you are selling but I believe in you" and that my friend is gold, take it to the bank and spend it.
My thoughts on the matter are also here:
Thanks for the recommendation, keep us informed of progress, maybe we'll get you on GFTV, hit me up and we'll make it happen.
Have you thought about joining a local chapter of Toastmasters International? That would help you develop your comfort in front of an audience, and once you've got your competent communicator certificate you can work on modules specifically geared towards humorous speeches.
Visit to find a local chapter.
And by all means, yes please on the video blog posts. Being 4,000 miles away I won't be seeing you at the Frog any time soon so I'd love to see your material.
Hi Andy
Thanks for the information you sent me about the Toastmasters. I've heard it's a really good organisation for getting experience at speaking.
I don't think I'll do it though because I'm already really comfortable in front of audiences big and small.
It's being funny I'm having trouble with! ;)
I like the idea too. Re aligforreal: Suggest you hit him up and hit him good and hard and lots. The more exposure you can get the better. Hit him and expose yourself: what could possibly go wrong?
Why are you picking on AliGforReal?
Is it because he is black?
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