Monday, 3 November 2008

A bit of forward planning

Ten days until my gig at the Nottingham Maze.

I've decided to do some work on structuring my set. I've noticed I have a habit of constantly coming up with new material and not giving any thought to how it all fits together. Then, on the day of a gig, I suddenly panic as I start to try and piece it together into a cohesive act.
My last gig suffered because of this. I was still trying to decide which material to do and in what order when the compere introduced me. 
This gig is another Gong Show. You get 2 minutes grace on this one before the crowd decide whether to keep you on or get rid. So now I need to concetrate on how I structure that 2 minutes in such a way that I can make them like me, build a sense of community in the room, and get them laughing before the red cards start to go up.
How hard can that be?

1 comment:

Guy Beauchamp said...

When you have it worked out, how about loading up your 2 minute routine to this bog for a review?